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I turned the electrics off in the bathroom floor, the only heating source we use besides the wood stove. Because we had a couple of really nice days and it’s APRIL, so now I refuse to turn it back on.

But frankly it’s still chilly, stormy, grey and even rainy, so winter activities have not changed in here, no matter how everyone elses juices seem to be rising. (just had a trio of hares fencing right outside this window and of course my camera battery is out for charging since I’ve mislaid the other!)

In any case, the outdoorsy photos will just have to wait, I’m hiding in my blanket. There will be tea and my sourdough bread is rising.

Oh hey, what do you know, the sun is out since I started this post. Won’t change the wind chill, but at least everything feels less gloomy. I can’t wait to get the top on my outdoors office, so I can move some activities outside! (laptop + sun = not so much fun) I’m considering some curtains – I find it hard to concentrate with the howling wind in my ears, flapping my pages and other stuff around. It’s odd isn’t it, these strong winds in the summer. I don’t remember those at all 20-30 years ago, but they just seem to become more frequent. Or is that a case of old-age past-life delusion?

outdoors office sans roof

So I could use a few ideas if you’d care to brainstorm. Lawn. Lumpy lawn. If I want to cart a bunch of stuff back and forth every day and not do it in 26 trips, how could I manage to do that? I think some sort of tea trolley would simply keel over half way. But if it gets too complicated I know I simply won’t even bother.