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.. as last Sunday. Collect, carry, climb, cache. The house looks just as cluttered as always, so it seems incredible that all this other stuff was ever in here. I dare not imagine a scenario where I’d have to put it all back.

Big loom is still tied up in the old room with no weft to show, so I’m postponing a decision about the tapestry loom as well; but I think I’ll have to make room for it up there until the kittens are older, perhaps bring it back downstairs in winter? Meanwhile ideas keep pushing and shoving at the floodgates, I swear it’s like Black Friday. Only they change; last month they wanted me to paint, those entities have now despaired and left, the weaving muses taking the current shift, taunting me with woollen yoga mats looking like a patch of meadow, as well as deep red madder and oak leaf yarns of intricate designs. Fairy cloak colours, indigo and japanese ikat.

They will have to share me with a few early garden chores which I’ve also ignored, but I try to take turns in between recharging my muscles here with you guys, since both the outside and the loft are still refrigerated. I had decided to mostly grow dye plants this year, but I haven’t even managed to start my seeds! Cake boxes are ready and waiting in the contraption, bag of earth has been hauled inside so as to be bearable to touch, I just need my focus to shift now.

dye pots

Dye pots ready for the day 4 kg of rug weft lands on my doorstep.



Small loom has made it to the loft and I’m getting ready to wind a warp for it.