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“You can see what man made from the seat of an automobile, but the best way to see what God made is from the back of a horse”

In between not feeling so good this summer and again pretty crummy since last week, I had made the decision it was time to get fitter again after three years of doing nearly nothing. Well, the decision has been longer in development as such, but apparently it was time. Really really. Apart from the new problems, my back is killing me slowly, so I just have to find ways to make it stronger.

So I brushed off my boots, tack and the oldest brown pony (21) and got on. We had some absolutely beautiful, still, sunny days, perfect motivation to get started when you live in a wind tunnel.

He gets tired before I do (but recovers faster I think). We take it easy, it’s not another chore that I need right now but I realize the process could be a bit of a dip for me before it gets better. But it’s a nice feeling just sitting up there, odd, but so it is and always has been. I like walking as well, but the dog can only do very short trips and I haven’t managed to make myself do an extra round alone each day. My drive has been down to less than 20% of my normal and I’m not talking about physical energy, just the general, daily motivation alone. So outdoors is much part of the plan, rain or shine, even if I just sit in a garden chair wearing my polar overalls.

So anyway, I thought I’d bring you along for a short walk on the path I’ve had arranged around the perimeter of our property. The first couple of days Rollo (small brown pony) got the most exercise, galloping wildly all over the place and screaming his head off, but he’s getting back into the swing of “abandoned pony” aka hiding in the barn while his big friend is away. A shame, really, because he could use a bit of fitness as well!

Of course it was not sunny and calm today, but the idea of trying this was blocking all other activities somehow. I kept the sound on as to convey the wind tunnel concept, hoping Rollo would scream a bit because he does have such a funny voice. He didn’t much, but you can hear my snivel instead. I may try making some prettier versions once I’ve got the hang of it – I know I’d drop the phone if I tried using it, and the DSLR was getting pretty heavy at the end of those 10 minutes. A helmet cam might be fun!

Then later it was sunny and I forgot to bring my camera to the forest with Molly, so I had to try out the smartphone I’ve borrowed since my own croaked. Not very impressive, so you’ll have to take my word that it’s such a lovely view. (it just occurred to me that perhaps I can Instagram via wifi? Perhaps I could give that a whirl next time!)

I believe that’s the most I’ve done in a day for a while, apart from Monday when I carted firewood for an hour and then have been in a heap ever since, LOL.