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I’ve been complaining about the dark – and earlier this year too. Probably some other posts as well that fortunately I can’t remember. Then I complained about the sun!


So I had to try out the concept I mentioned of blocking glare but not light and that works like a charm, I just can’t make it permanent because himself hates curtains. As it happens I had a really hideous one in my fabric stash (don’t ask me why I even have such a thing), no idea where from. A stick, two large cup hooks and voila. It’s only the one window, low winter sun shining a spotlight right at me. Well, now it’s more welcome than ever.


It’s funny how I keep getting all these ideas to solve the obstacles between myself and crafting; and then I keep not doing anything much. Nothing else of use forthcoming in the way of inspiration. I still haven’t decided when to call it a day and let the diagnoses take over. Possibly I’ve simply been so muddled by fantasies of art making that I’ve totally missed my calling as an inventor, LOL. But in the meantime I think at least my setup is functioning on most levels, finally!

I know, another pointless post. What can I say, they keep me awake for a little while every day! 😉