

Still nothing going on here. It’s pain week again = horisontal me. The cats love it!

It seems there is an overwhelming majority of rapeseed * fields around here this year, but I don’t know if they’ll still bloom when I’m up and about again. Same goes for the peonies, so I’ll have to put my bets on something else. Dandelion seeds will be gone with the wind for sure! All in all, a typical May around here. Fire in the woodstove and all. Tried to alleviate my boredom with a bit of obsessive tool-shopping, but nothing came of it, so you’ll have to take my word for how much fun that was. 😉

* The most commonly used oil here in food preparation I believe. Look! An educational post!

Meanwhile project ideas are piling up, but they’ll just have to wait, won’t they. Behind the laundry, the horse poop and thistles…. Doing things little bit by little bit – eventually something might come of it. It’s always harder to choose which one to go for after a long break, I’m sure I’m not alone in that? I think I’m going to have to put plant dyeing at bay until I get myself sorted and just do the occasional picture thing.