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Last month I won a little raffle we’re having in the Ravelry tapestry group. Not that I’ve been able to work on my diary, but apparently I’m still in. The prize was a gift certificate for Webs, which of course, being in the US, makes it difficult for me to shop because of postage and the threat of import taxes. So I blinded myself to all the lovely stuff at www.yarn.com and just picked ONE skein of something I don’t see here as well as weaving bobbins in a size I haven’t been able to find for my largest boat shuttle.


I don’t know what I want to do with it yet, to become anything it must be paired with something else I think. Something blue? I see many options, there are olives, blues, lots of shades in there that don’t show because of the crummy light. What do you see in it? What would it like to become?

Speaking of shopping, I heard that the Black Friday curse is reaching our shores. Sorry guys, you won’t be seeing me on that occasion. Shudder.

It’s a bleak day today, so I think it’s the end of colour photography this year. I shiver just looking at it. Waiting for the water boiler to reheat so I can get my shower… Need to be certain that washing my long hair doesn’t turn into an ice bucket challenge!

bleary day

I nearly finished my winter cloth yesterday, the loom room isn’t available today, but then I’ll wind on for a scarf. Remember the Sunberry? I never did finish it, I can’t knit so fine it turns out and had to tink nearly every row. So now the scarf will be woven instead and a new learning experience using very fine silk (30/2 for the geeks). I’m still trying to work through some old projects to leave my head uncluttered for new inventions. “Racing brain” is both a blessing and a curse.

And some good news: G found a new transformer online for our dinner table lamps, so it’s no longer that urgent finding new ones. Eventually a power saving option with LEDs would be great, but I still need the strong light as well. The room has big south and west facing windows and in winter we remove the wooden blinds to let in more light. Which means I can’t even paint when it’s bright and sunny because I’m completely blinded alternating with sun shining in the wet paint. It’s not a joke that the ideal studio windows are north facing.

I’ve been thinking if that gives me an excuse to try weaving some white gauzy groovy sheets to put up while I work just to break the glare, but knowing me they won’t be done this century. 😉 And the blinds are so heavy I usually pull it all down on my head including the potted plants, so when they’re up, they stay up!

I guess I’ll just have to take what I get or do something else.
