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wintertime1Daylight savings over, it now gets dark at 5 but for a while longer it’s easier to get up in the morning at least. When I was serious about horseriding this was a time of anguish for me, as I couldn’t make it out before dark unless I geared up around 2 pm. Out here it’s dark when the sun goes down, not even a single street lamp, so we feel the seasons more than in the city – although I remember November in CPH being decidedly glum, so perhaps not.

No dogwalking in the forest either if I wanted himself to tag along after work, so I was all for keeping “summer time” year round! These days I don’t care as much, I just have to be careful I don’t automatically judge the day to be over just because it’s pitch black outside, in fact I have many more hours to do stuff. There’s always a transitional period there both autumn and spring (where I sometimes forget about meal- or bedtimes because the sun is still up high).

Which just goes to prove that clocks are an abstract concept, really. An organisational tool because we all have busses to catch and stock options to buy.

I’d like to be even less bound by numbers than I am, but it’s difficult when your cats have a better sense for 7 o’clock than you do, and of course I can’t trust my body to tell me when it’s tired because then I’d be in bed 14-16 hours a day. Which is in fact what stone age man did more or less, a few hard sprints to bring down that mammoth, then burping away at campsite for a week. How did we end up with all those moral obligations to run around like maniacs?!
