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Those little canvasses I bought are a bit too absorbent for my taste, making it difficult to start with a thin, even layer of something. So I wanted to try to gesso some of them first, and then came on the little jar of black gesso which I can’t remember why I bought.

And now I have these black squares and for some reason I’m totally blocked when it comes to working on them! It just feels completely different and I can’t make my brain change into a new gear.

I guess I’ll have to just begin, doing nothing in particular, simply to get over this…

Do you use black backgrounds for specific techniques / effects that I might have fun learning?

I’m still “just” painting, haven’t moved into adding other media/objects so far.

I didn’t scan a black square for you 😉 Here you can see how the paint sucks right into the canvas before I have a chance to blend it in. Which can probably be used for some watercoloury effects (I think).

absorb2 absorb1