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It’s been getting to the time of year when I can actually manage to be up with the sun. Late-summer mornings have their own special light and feeling about them that I really love.

Just have to remember of course, I used to be bright as a button in the morning, but in later years I seem to begin my days in a fog. Dressing to go out in the morning chill and damp grass isn’t the first or even fifth thing happening naturally. Not to mention the fact that my eyes need at least an hour before I can pop in my contact lenses.

So imagine me if you will, in a sudden panic knowing the special light will be gone within 5 minutes, wearing goosebumps, nightie and red wellingtons, stumbling across the dew sprinkled property, followed by at least one fat cat and curious ponies, camera in hand, searching for spiderwebs and gold. 😉

At the time of finally posting this, the rain has begun – coordinating with my SI/sciatic problem to really flare up, and what was meant to be the week of installing windows in my studio. But I have high hopes of September coming through for me, with both sunrises and two legs to stand on for some photos of gold. So for now, a couple of early August snapshots.

How about a challenge, everyone, show me dawn around your place in September.