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Sure sign of spring is that I wake up earlier and don’t fall back asleep. I have no way of tracking time by my bed, which is a minor nuisance both in summer and winter, but right now I can get up at the crack of dawn and know that I’ve had enough sleep. (I wake up multiple times in the middle of the night too, not feeling or seeing the difference between 3 am or 8, but I know I’ll ruin my day later if I get perky and rise too early)

I also have time to do things in the evening before the gloom of electric light sets in. No picking one activity for the day, I can do all of them. Downside is, I forget to make dinner – but whatever, right?!

It’s still frost at night, so forgive me for not having the presence of mind, as I roll out of bed, to jump into more clothes and take some pretty sunrise pictures for this post, not until I wrote it anyway and now it’s close to 8. Official sunup is currently 6.40, well, technically it’s 5.40, but those are all numbers, not biology.

I just enjoy sitting here alone with my coffee, peaceful, nobody making noises or talking, almost: I did have to start the day by clearing behind the tv sideboard for Leo to get to the yellow-necked mouse he’d chased in there. I have a nifty stack of pretty boxes for spinning fiber to prevent the cats from playing among the wires, there’s even room for a folding easel back there – but dead mice do stink up the whole room, so I let him have at it.

For those of you who have wondered about my posting frequency, all is well, in fact much the same as always, I just don’t seem to want to record it. No finished projects to show off just yet.


Setting up my play table for the day just in case…