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With OLAD* having struck and myself always ranting about the tiny house we live in, perhaps some are wondering how those two things add up? Well, they don’t quite, but it’s a work in progress.

I have a knack for rearranging stuff and thereby generating more space simply by reshuffling (and a bit of weeding and stacking). This time it’s a light overhaul of our small spare room which has so far been used for a guest bed, my crosstrainer and storage, in winter also to dry clothes out of the way.

The weeding consisted of either removing to the garage or throwing away old computer parts and 20 yo ditto manuals. In this house old, replaced computers and harddrives don’t get thrown away just in case (I don’t know which case, but having such a large yarn and fiber stash I feel I can’t complain all that much about it. Just once in a blue moon, you know?) Last winter I couldn’t even get into the room, seriously. And once there is clutter it breeds, because if there’s no space you just toss the next thing on top of the pile.

Nearly done decluttering floor.

Nearly done decluttering floor. I need another chair for this loom.

Now shelves are pushed to the narrow end of the room, leaving a space just wide enough for the floor loom. Then I bought the tapestry loom which kinda ruined the whole arrangement with the sewing machine by the couch, but provided the corridor doesn’t get filled with junk again I can roll it and the trainer aside along the shelves for using the tapestry loom. It does have to be stored backside out because it has really large feet, but it’s not very heavy. Alternative was the stable at the risk of contracting mildew and most definitely too dusty to use.

As an added bonus I moved the whiteboard from the stable where I don’t use it anymore and built a warping board around it. You can just pass it by without hitting the pegs, again provided the corridor floor stays clear…. 😉 I really should move the crosstrainer, but I also need to maintain the illusion that I’ll somehow be able to fit some light exercise into my winter schedule.

Even if I scrunch up in the corner behind the floor loom, the wideangle still can't show the whole room.

Even if I scrunch up in the corner behind the floor loom, the wideangle still can’t show the whole room.


*OLAD: Obsessive Loom Acquisition Disorder